
Medical Writing

Ad-hoc support

PharmaRelations' structure provides a unique approach to solving your needs for medical writing. We are a full-service partner with experienced consultants in clinical and pre-clinical studies, regulatory and commercial positions to secure the delivery of the right message. 

Some of our services:

Clinical Study Protocol (CSP) or Clinical Investigation Plan (CIP
Investigator’s Brochure (IB)
Patient Information and Informed Consent Form (ICF)
Clinical Evaluation
Clinical Study Report (CSR) or Clinical Investigation Report (CIR)
Clinical Overview and Summary
Literature search
Non-interventional Study Protocol
Protocol for Post-marketing Safety and/or Efficacy Study
Post-marketing Clinical Follow-up (PMCF) Plan
Clinical Evaluation update
Posters and Scientific Article

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Medical writer
Medical Advisor Services
Medical Monitoring

Merchandising - Consultant firm promotional pen

Promotional material

  • Claim optimization in compliance with current regulations and guidelines
  • Review of promotional material for pharmaceuticals, medical devices cosmetics, food supplements
  • Review of Swedish, Norwegian, Finnish and Danish promotional material
  • Submit promotion material to relevant bodies
  • Write abbreviated/short product information

Our team of experts can guide you to find the most suitable solution for your organization.


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