
Medical Affairs

Together- PharmaRelations values

There are several advantages to hire a Consultant or a team of Consultants from PharmaRelations

When you need competency in Medical Affairs, we are here to support you. It could be an MSL or Medical Advisor, support with medical writing, or compliance.

 You may shorten the internal hiring process as our employees are already recruited by us based on a complete competency-based process, motivation to be a Consultant, and our values. Further, we work closely with our broad network of senior sub-contractors. You won't be alone during the assignment, we will stay by your side and our consultant's side with regular follow-up meetings. All our Consultant managers are experienced leaders.

In addition to that, you get support with specific tasks, you might benefit from our consultant’s network, experience from other therapeutic areas and/or companies, new dynamics in your team, or just maybe benefit from the senior Consultant Manager's experience by a second opinion/inspiration when developing your strategy or organization.

One woman two men having a meeting discussion

Constant support

During the assignment, we follow-up continuously both with our Consultants and with you as a client to secure performance. You hire for short- or long-term depending on your needs, without need to bother about the employer responsibilities.

If you need to recruit a permanent employee, our Nordic recruitment team will be happy to support. Welcome to contact us for advice!

PharmaRelations Solna Office
Senior recruitment manager in Life Science


Medical Science Liaison        
Medical Advisor                                                      
Medical Manager                                                   
Medical Director 
Medical Writer
Medical Coordinator

4 women in active consultancy meeting

Medical advise during clinical and pre-clinical studies

  • Medical Advisor Services
  • Medical Monitoring
  • Attending advisory boards
  • Medical input on study design
  • Medical input to protocols (endpoint for studies)


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