We want to be the Best Place to Work in Nordic Life Science

9 reasons to join PharmaRelations

Grate place to work banners in Nordics


The most important is how we see the GPTW certification – as a tool to improve and become better every year, not being pleased, and become laid back. We have not yet reached the highest result among all Life Science companies in the Nordics, but we are working on it. Our results are very high, in all four countries, also stable.

PharmaRelations picnic 2022 (3)


It took us some time and several Company Days and Work Camps to define the core of our culture and our values, having done that we work hard to live what we believe in every day in everything we do. We know our values are a main reason for our success.

PharmaRelations Regulatory consultant explaning

3. Consultant is the best job to have in Life Science

Consultants in PharmaRelations have important roles in the organizations of our clients. To perform an expert job, but also bringing innovation and new ideas and routines. Sometimes to revitalize a team. The role is rewarding, you will see many different companies and organizations, experience different leader styles and values. You will learn more as you are exposed to more ways of doing things and your network will grow. You will improve your skills faster and you will have more fun, being part of both PharmaRelations and the company you work for as a consultant. We are a fast track to an exciting career in Nordic Life Science!

3 young PharmaRelations regulatory consultants

4. Best Job Security

We are in the center of the Life Science Talent market and with us, you have more job security than in any other position. We see companies in Life Science downsize, merge, and reorganize all the time. It is part of our business to assist in these processes and help companies transform and from doing this we have grown constantly during the past decades and will continue to grow. 

As the leading recruiters for Life Science in the Nordics, employing hundreds of consultants, we are the hub of the life science job market. Where would you possibly be more job-secured than with us?

PharmaRelations picnic 2022 9

5. A meaningful job – our mission is important

PharmaRelations mission is to grow individuals and companies in Life Science. We provide what the industry needs more than anything – talent and skills. We are part of the Life Science ecosystem, building the talent infrastructure that is needed. Life Science is the most meaningful industry to work in, we provide better health and better lives to the globe.

Diversed group of consultants outdoors

6. Part of the PharmaRelations family – a good feeling

We are not at all corporate in our approach, we want to be a friendly family. We believe you will feel this as you walk into our office the first time. We are close and care, no prestige, few levels, we work together, share experiences, we help each other. Many employees participate in the decision making and we take fast decisions, not many levels to go through. We are an entrepreneurial company, and we dislike all types of unnecessary bureaucracy.

Team building activity at PharmaRelations

7. A learning organization

Everything we do is about people and their competencies, skills, and know-how. We want to be a company that continuously adapts to new situations, transforms, and develops to meet the future. Our people need to continuously develop with the company, and each of us needs to take responsibility for our own development. PharmaRelations facilitates reflection and learning and provides concrete and continuous training opportunities in daily life.

PharmaRelations values Courage and Together

8. Financial package comparable to the Life Science industry

Our financial package is the same as elsewhere in Life Science. We do not want you to join PharmaRelations only for the pay, we want you to work for us because you like us and like what we stand for and want to achieve. 

We grow people and companies also in India. PharmaRelations mission includes to support Hand in Hand´s work in India. Over the past decade we have financed the start-up of more than 500 micro companies. We have financed the uplift of an entire Village, Vasanthanadai, with 2000 inhabitants and are now working on our second uplift, the village of Kharda Randheer in Jodphur. We enable the children to go to school, the women to be able to read and start companies. We do this as we think it is living our mission and doing good in a very poor part of the world, and we know it makes it more meaningful to work in PharmaRelations.

PharmaRelations picnic 2022 8

9. The best colleagues in the industry in a very professional setting

We know that the best wants to work with other excellent people. We are forming exciting and challenging centers of excellence where we want to gather the most talented people in the industry.


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